
Rospotrebnadzor: Tongue and liver are superior to meat in vitamins and microelements

Rospotrebnadzor reported that tongues and liver are not inferior in taste to red meat, and surpass it in terms of vitamin and microelement content.

— Liver has a rich amino acid composition, which helps build muscle mass. It contains a lot of iron, vitamin B12, the use of which is useful for the prevention and treatment of anemia, – the department recalled.

Tongue is a delicacy, it contains a lot of protein and little fat. And also iron, vitamins of group B.

Beef heart has six times more vitamins of group B than beef, and one and a half times more iron. Chicken hearts contain a lot of vitamins – A, PP and group B, as well as macro- and microelements – phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper.

Offal comes in different categories:

Category I (tongue, liver, kidneys, brains, heart, etc.);
Category II (heads (without tongues), legs, lungs, ears, pork tail, etc.).

It is important to remember that offal should be cooked properly and consumed in moderation to avoid excess cholesterol and saturated fat consumption.

Let us recall what foods are recommended for anemia, except for liver:

  • Fish and seafood: tuna, sardines, oysters.
  • Plant sources of iron: legumes, greens, nuts and seeds.
  • Foods rich in vitamin C
  • Foods containing folic acid: green leafy vegetables, whole grains, avocado.
  • Foods containing vitamin B12.
  • Avoid coffee and tea during meals: caffeine can interfere with the absorption of iron, so it is better to drink them between meals.

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Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.