
Oncologist-mammologist spoke about rehabilitation after breast removal according to Madden

Oncologist-mammologist Danail Nazliev spoke about the process of rehabilitation of women after mastectomy according to Madden.

Mastectomy is an operation to remove the mammary gland. Usually it is removed with all adjacent tissues: the subcutaneous fat layer, regional lymphatic vessels and nodes, sometimes with the pectoralis minor and major muscles.

Mastectomy according to Madden involves the removal of the breast with axillary tissue, but without the removal of the pectoralis major and minor muscles. It combines both radicalism and functionality.

According to Nazvliev, the Madden mastectomy operation has become more and more common over the years.

—While the operation itself is difficult, the process of recovery and rehabilitation can be no less difficult. It is important to remember that rehabilitation after a Madden mastectomy is a slow process. Each person recovers at their own pace,” the doctor wrote on his blog.
The first step in rehabilitation is to improve range of motion, which is usually the most difficult. The patient may experience pain and stiffness, but it is important to keep working on yourself. Deep breathing exercises and light stretching can help with this.

After regaining mobility, you can begin to strengthen the muscles, that is, exercise. These can be arm raises, chest presses, and wall push-ups.

“Finally, it’s important to take time for yourself and your emotional well-being. While physical rehabilitation is important, it's also important to find ways to deal with the emotions that may come along with it. Meditation, journaling, and talking to a therapist can be helpful in this process, the expert advises.
The most common symptoms of breast cancer:

  • a knot or lump in the breast
  • retraction of the skin of the breast
  • retraction of the nipple
  • change in the size, shape or density of the breast
  • any discharge from the nipple
  • rash in the areola area
  • change in the skin of the breast
  • pain in the mammary gland or nipple, swelling.

Mythbusting: the oncologist told whether to remove tumor in the chest

Also, Danail Nazliev told whether it is necessary to remove the tumor in the chest. According to him, there are “myths” associated with oncology that need to be debunked.

Overweight, abortion, age: an oncologist spoke about the factors leading to breast cancer an indication that leg pain is caused by cholesterol buildup

Important! Information provided for reference only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Danail Nazliev Danail Nazliev Medicine oncologist-mammologist

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