
Gynecologist Volkova: some diseases “imitate” hot flashes. What tests should I take to identify them?

Obstetrician-gynecologist Ekaterina Volkova said that hot flashes, which most often affect women of a certain age, may not be associated with menopause.

The doctor recalled that hot flashes are a condition in which attacks of heat, tachycardia and sweating occur. Many people say that they are literally drenched in sweat. Some diseases can “imitate” hot flashes, Volkova warned.

Thyroid dysfunction, especially its hyperfunction. Take TSH, T3, T4 free and contact your doctor with the test results. Hypothyroidism can also be accompanied by excessive sweating.

Iron deficiency and anemia.The body experiences oxygen deficiency and becomes overworked, which can lead to tachycardia and fever. Get a complete blood count and ferritin test.

Insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes. Give insulin and glucose

Arterial hypertension causes a feeling of fever. It is necessary to control the pressure in the morning and evening.

Menopause, or menopause, is a natural period in a woman’s life when her reproductive function fades. Signs indicating the onset of menopause:

1. Irregular menstruation. They become unpredictable, with periods of delay or omission.

2. Vasomotor symptoms such as hot flashes and sweating.

3. Some women experience excessive sweating, especially at night. This can lead to sleep disturbances and increased irritability.

4. Vaginal dryness. Estrogen levels decrease during menopause, which leads to vaginal dryness and discomfort during sex.

5. Many women may experience mood changes, irritability, apathy or depression. This is due to changes in hormone levels.

6. Some women notice a deterioration in memory, concentration and cognitive functions, which is associated with changes in estrogen levels.

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Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Ekaterina Volkova Ekaterina Volkova Medicine Obstetrician-gynecologist