
Endocrinologist Melnichuk: fatigue that does not go away after sleep indicates hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. As endocrinologist Pavel Melnichuk said, constant fatigue can be one of the signs of the disease.

— Fatigue associated with hypothyroidism does not usually go away after a full night's sleep and may be accompanied by other symptoms such as drowsiness, lethargy, and decreased memory and concentration. If you sleep normally all night, but get up groggy, consult an endocrinologist. This condition can be corrected, the doctor said specifically for MedicForum.

What do you need to know about hypothyroidism?

Causes . The reasons for its appearance lie in iodine deficiency, thyroid pathologies, and diffuse toxic goiter. There is also autoimmune thyroiditis – when endocrine disorders occur due to a malfunction of the immune system.


  • fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy,
  • decreased memory and concentration,
  • dry skin, hair and nails,
  • digestive problems,
  • weight gain,
  • cold extremities,
  • depression.

Treatment. Hypothyroidism is usually treated by taking synthetic hormones. The doctor will select the optimal dose of medication to compensate for the lack of hormones.

How does hypothyroidism affect appearance?

With long-term hypothyroidism, a person’s appearance takes on a characteristic appearance: a puffy face, swollen eyelids, arms and legs. The skin becomes dry and acquires a yellowish tint. Hair becomes dull and breaks.

How to suspect hypothyroidism based on the condition of your hair?

1. One of the most common symptoms of the disease is hair loss. Hormonal imbalance caused by a lack of thyroid hormones can cause hair to become thin, brittle and fall out in large quantities.
2. Slower hair growth. Hair follicles may be dormant due to a lack of thyroid hormones, which leads to slower growth of new hair.
3. Dry and brittle hair.
4. Change in hair texture. They may become rougher, finer, or less obedient.
5. Loss of hair color: In rare cases, hypothyroidism can cause loss of hair pigment, which leads to the appearance of gray hair or changes in hair color.

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Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.