
Doctor Pavlova explained in what cases cardio training can lead to fat accumulation

According to endocrinologist Zuhra Pavlova, doing only cardio training, ignoring strength exercises, is a big mistake. There is a risk of exhausting the body, harming the joints and even gaining excess weight.

What is cardio training?

This is a type of physical activity in which the heart works at an increased rate. Such loads, if performed correctly, strengthen blood vessels, increase endurance and help you lose weight. They involve various muscle groups, but do not lead to an increase in muscle volume. The main condition is increased heart rate values.

Why can cardio training be harmful? Pavlova named several main reasons.

The body quickly gets used to it and over time it will have to increase the load. The right thing to do is to increase the pace gradually and add strength exercises to the program.

— If cardio training is too long and intense, then there is a high risk of exhausting your body.(…) Overexertion can lead to loss of muscle mass ,” Pavlova noted in her Telegram channel.

Usually this is typical for beginners who get down to business too zealously. According to her, “with a calorie deficit and a lack of protein in the diet, the body experiences stress and draws energy from the muscles, and fat, on the contrary, begins to accumulate.”

Cardio without strength training can damage the joints. If you have pain in your knees, wrist, etc., then you should reconsider your training regimen and take a break, the doctor advises.

Types of cardio training:

dancing, aerobics;
jumping rope;

They also include training on special machines: treadmill, exercise bike, elliptical, airbike, rowing.

Strength training – exercises during which the muscles resist the load. It is created using your own weight, a machine or weights (weights, dumbbells, medicine balls or barbells).

Combinations of cardio and strength training will help improve your health, get rid of extra pounds, and create a beautiful body.

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Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.