
Doctor of Chinese and classical medicine Starkova gave a simple exercise for vigor and combating apathy

Chinese and classical medicine doctor Irina Starkova told why apathy appears and how to deal with it.

We often consider the lack of desire to do anything , bad mood, emotional detachment as a result of stress or ordinary fatigue. However, these may be the first signs of developing apathy.

According to Starkova, a deterioration in mood and a constant state of melancholy may be due to insufficient oxygen supply to the tissues. Another reason is impaired blood flow. A depressed person usually has drooping shoulders and neck.

“The lungs begin to work worse due to the fact that full inhalation does not occur and oxygen does not enter the tissues,” the doctor noted.

In this case, breathing techniques will help.

— If you realize that your mood is starting to deteriorate, start doing breathing practices. Even just by taking a deep breath and straightening your shoulders, you will feel how your condition begins to improve, advises Starkova.

The specialist recommends tense all your fingers and stick out your thumb, and then walk quickly for three minutes, swinging your arms. This exercise will give you vigor – a person begins to take deeper breaths, which activates the work of the lungs and saturates the blood with oxygen.

More about apathy.

Apathy is a condition characterized by the absence interest, motivation and emotional response to the environment. Here are some signs of apathy:

Lack of energy and fatigue. A person may feel constantly tired and lack energy to complete daily tasks.

Loss of interest. A person may become uninterested in things that previously brought him pleasure, such as hobbies.

Decreased motivation. The person may lose motivation and passion for achieving goals or completing tasks.

Feeling empty. The person feels emptiness and lack of emotional response to events or interactions with other people.

Changes in sleep and appetite. Apathy may be accompanied by changes in sleep and appetite, such as insomnia or increased appetite.

Social isolation. A person avoids social contacts and prefers to spend time alone.

Important!< /b> Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.