
Covid prevalence rate in Russia has risen sharply

The spread rate of covid in Russia has risen sharply
The spread rate of coronavirus infection in the Russian Federation has increased to February figures. This was told by the experts of Rospotrebnadzor.

The invasion of new sublines of the Omicron strain, the carelessness of the Russians and the total abolition of all existing coronavirus restrictions have led to a drop in herd immunity in our country below 20%. And this was bound to cause a new wave of infections, which is now observed in many countries of the world. And now, according to official statistics, the spread rate of COVID-19 in our country has increased to 1.14. The last time such a high level of infection was observed already on February 13, at the peak of the fourth wave of coronavirus. So far, this has not been translated into a similar jump in the level of infections, since 198,000 people were infected in a day on February 13, and only 3,539 over the past day.

The epidemiologist commented on the increase in the number of cases of COVID-19 in Russia

However, the dynamics of the incidence is growing, and the infection rate can begin to increase quite rapidly. Of course, in the event that the number of tests also grows, but for now it is minimal. Many Russians are experiencing moderate or no symptoms of COVID-19, it just doesn't occur to them to be tested. As a result, we do not know the true incidence.

The spread rate of coronavirus in Russia has reached 1.06

The answer to this question is very simple. It is enough to randomly test a certain number of people in the country for coronavirus. For example, 100 thousand people. If 10,000 of them turn out to be carriers of the coronavirus in an active form, this means that 10% of the citizens of the whole country are now infected, which is a very high figure. Only such an arbitrary sample, in the context of a decrease in the volume of testing, allows us to find out how things are in reality with the incidence in the country, and what we can count on. (READ MORE) Rospotrebnadzor



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