
Causes of melanoma identified

Melanoma Causing Factors Identified
Researchers at Ohio University have identified unique molecular factors that contribute to the development of malignant melanoma. This is the most dangerous type of skin cancer.

The study by American scientists provides science with very important molecular information that can be used to develop more effective treatments for malignant melanoma. If the recovery rate for ordinary skin cancer is over 90%, then the victims of malignant melanoma die in more than 60% of cases. This is due to the fact that this disease is very aggressive and rapidly developing. Ohio scientists have identified and described the key features of gene mutations responsible for approximately 20% of all cases of melanoma.

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Using a preclinical laboratory model, scientists found that the frequency of development of certain NRAS gene mutations in melanoma is directly related to the ability of this gene mutation to initiate the spontaneous formation of malignant neoplasms. And this means that the properties of the mutation itself are the cause of the formation of cancer.

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Oncological mutations in the NRAS gene are difficult to treat, because there are no effective methods to fight this type of cancer other than immunotherapy. And the data obtained can just be used as the basis for these methods, which will be based on the molecular mechanisms of the development of dangerous diseases. (READ MORE) Ohio University

Ohio University


American public research university located on Campus 7 .5 sq. km. in Athens, Ohio