
Belly fat can cause a heart attack

Belly fat causes a heart attack
Study has shown that excess fat in the abdomen increases the risk of a heart attack. But at the same time, humanity continues to consume more and more carbohydrates, the excess of which turns into triglycerides dangerous for the heart.

Scientists from the University of Oxford have shown that an increase in belly fat increases the risk of a heart attack. At the same time, the level of carbohydrate consumption in Russia continues to grow rapidly. And along with this, the risk of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders increases. Every year in our country an increasing number of victims of diabetes, hypertension and various pathologies of the cardiovascular system are recorded. The more fat at the waist, the higher the insulin resistance, as well as the intensity of inflammatory processes.

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All this leads to an increase in the production of triglycerides, increasing the risk of heart dysfunction. But it's not just fatty foods. It is the use of carbohydrates, even if everything is normal in terms of calories, can lead to the appearance of fat on the abdomen, since the excess of these food components become triglycerides. br>A recent study showed that the average Russian needs to reduce carbohydrate intake from 75% of all daily calories to 55%. In addition to actually reducing carbohydrates in your diet in favor of proteins and fats, you need to exercise at least 150 minutes a week to maintain heart health. (READ MORE) Oxford University

Oxford University


British University in Oxford, England. One of the oldest universities in the world, the first English-speaking university in the British Isles.