
99.9% of the coronavirus was created in the laboratory

99.9% of the coronavirus was created in the laboratory
German scientists believe that the probability of artificial origin of COVID-19 is almost 100%. So, we really are faced with a man-made pathogen.

Scientists from Germany have found evidence that the coronavirus that killed over 6.5 million people was created in the laboratory. They conducted an analysis that suggested that 99.9% of us have an artificial copy of a natural virus. With a high degree of probability, it was created in the laboratory by manipulating a natural virus, that is, they took a natural pathogen and changed it to be more aggressive, which is what many scientists have been claiming in the past two years.

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A persistent theory has emerged that, on instructions from American scientists, their Chinese colleagues at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were experimenting with the bat coronavirus to make it much more deadly and capable of infecting humans. In the United States, such experiments are prohibited, but in China they can be carried out. At some point, the pathogen created in this way broke free (most likely by accident) and began to kill people. Suffice it to recall that just a few days ago, scientists from Boston University crossed several strains of coronavirus with each other and created a mutation that killed more than 60% of infected mice. They were immediately accused of playing with fire, and that it was unacceptable to conduct such experiments.

The coronavirus was created in the laboratory

China has consistently denied the version that the coronavirus was created artificially, and especially on behalf of the United States. These countries have not gotten along very well in recent years, but the virologists of the two great powers have collaborated closely, as evidenced by letters that have become widely available. German scientists believe that they have proven the laboratory origin of the coronavirus, but their study has not been independently scientifically evaluated. (READ MORE)

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