
Nutritionist Sviridova told how to form healthy habits

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A habit is formed in 21 days, said Elena Sviridova.

According to Elena Sviridovlya, many people would like to lead a healthier lifestyle, however in order for a healthy lifestyle to really give a healing effect, it must become a system, maintained on an ongoing basis. In other words, some actions or choices should not be random. It is important to form healthy habits.

“Half of the success on the way to a healthy lifestyle is an internal attitude and healthy attitudes. It takes patience to form new habits. It has been proven that it takes 21 days to form a habit,” nutritionist Sviridova said in an interview.
The specialist noted that during these days it is important to find the strength and motivation to endure cravings for bad habits or unhealthy foods. Subsequently, it will be much easier to adhere to such a regimen.

Also, talking with Life, the expert stated that one of the most useful habits for improving health and prolonging life is the need for movement and physical activity. Elena Sviridova advised to look for those sports or activities that give positive emotions – this effectively reinforces the tendency to move, eliminates the habit of spending free time in inactivity.

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“Another important habit is to drink enough fluids, as well as include more citrus fruits, herbs and vegetables in the diet, as these products contain a huge amount of vitamins and useful elements,” the expert added.
In addition, Sviridova recommended getting into the habit of eating less salt, and also eat less ready-made sweets (she called them natural dark chocolate and fruits as the best alternative).

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Important! Information provided for reference only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Elena Sviridova Elena Sviridova healthy lifestyle nutritionist