
Narcologist Saraev named the ideal time for coffee and warned: you should not drink on an empty stomach

cup of coffee
According to narcologist Marat Saraev, the ideal time for taking coffee is after breakfast.

Narcologist Saraev named in a commentary on Radio 1 the ideal time for coffee time is the period 10–15 minutes after breakfast.

“Ideally, coffee should be drunk 10–15 minutes after breakfast, when food has already begun to be digested,” the doctor said.
The narcologist warned against drinking coffee on an empty stomach. Marat Saraev drew attention to the fact that coffee contains acids, and as a result of its consumption, the level of acidity in the stomach will increase. This, in turn, can negatively affect the condition of the mucous membrane, especially if there are old, chronic problems, erosions or ulcerative lesions.

“You cannot drink coffee on an empty stomach, as it contains elements that affect the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach. They can cause additional irritation,” Saraev warned.
The doctor added that the invigorating and tonic effect is inherent only in coffee made from coffee beans that contain specific ingredients. Soluble types of the drink, on the contrary, can have a drowsy effect, which is explained by the presence of two components in them – caffeine and theobromine, which influence the body in close conjunction. After such coffee, at first there is some vigor due to the action of caffeine, but then theobromine “turns on”, which has the opposite effect, promoting a decrease in blood pressure and a sleepy state.

Earlier, the portal wrote that potatoes were named among the vegetables most beneficial for lowering blood pressure.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Marat Saraev Marat Saraev Healthy lifestyle psychotherapist, narcologist, candidate of medical sciences