
Medic Alekhina called dangerous combinations of coffee with other foods and drinks

coffee and pastries
Alekhina, a nutritionist: coffee with pastries – for whom is this combination unsafe?

Medic Anna Alekhina explained in an interview what combinations of coffee with products and other drinks are potentially dangerous. In particular, the expert considers it unsafe to combine coffee and pastries in the diet of people with heart disease or metabolic syndrome.

“People with cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome should not drink unfiltered coffee with margarine-based sweet pastries – this will create an additional risk factor for their condition,” Alyokhina warned.
Also, the physician ranked combinations of coffee with alcohol as dangerous. The expert states: in this version, the drink contributes to an undesirably high load on the heart and additional stress for the heart muscle. This is due to the fact that separately alcohol and coffee have different effects on the cardiovascular system.

“Coffee excites the nervous system, increases blood pressure, constricts blood vessels. Alcoholic drinks, on the contrary, help to relax the nervous system, lower blood pressure, dilate blood vessels. From two completely opposite actions, the cardiovascular and nervous systems are in a stressful state, and this generally negatively affects the work of the whole organism, ”the doctor said in a comment to the Moscow agency.
Alyokhina also advised not to combine caffeine and energy drinks .

Summarizing, the doctor emphasized that drinking coffee should be without the addition of sugar and other sweet ingredients.

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Summarizing, the doctor emphasized what to drink coffee should be without the addition of sugar and other sweet ingredients.

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Earlier, the portal wrote that the rejection of certain products helps to strengthen the immune system. Anna Alekhina Anna Alekhina Healthy lifestyle cDietitian, member of the National Society of Dietitians of Russia