
Kefir or sauerkraut: nutritionist names the best products for healthy intestinal microflora

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Nutritionist Inna Pichugina: fermented milk and fermented products are especially beneficial for intestinal microflora.

Nutritionist Pichugina spoke about products that effectively contribute to the health of intestinal microflora. Speaking about this, she advised Russians to include fermented milk products in their diet.

“Some of the best products for strengthening the beneficial microflora of the intestines are fermented milk products – cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk, acidophilus, cheese,” Pichugina said in a comment to
The expert added that it is better to consume fermented milk products with a short shelf life. According to the nutritionist, products from this category contain lactic acid bacteria, which prevent putrefactive processes and help normalize the microbial composition of the intestine. They also improve the liver's antitoxic function.

In addition, fermented foods such as sauerkraut, homemade pickles, soaked apples, kimchi, and kvass are beneficial for the health of the intestinal microflora. Pichugina noted that these products are recommended provided there are no contraindications to their use. The doctor recalled that fermented foods and drinks can cause temporary bloating and abdominal discomfort.

Why is it so important to maintain good intestinal microflora health? Many aspects of general health depend on the condition of the intestines. Inna Pichugina stated that up to 80% of the body's immunity is formed in the intestines and depends on its microflora.

Earlier, the portal wrote that eating fermented foods helps to get rid of excess weight.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Inna Pichugina Inna Pichugina Healthy Lifestyle Chief Nutritionist of the Moscow Region Ministry of Health