
How much alcohol can you drink without harm to health?

In order to preserve health and not provoke dependence on alcohol, it should be consumed in an amount not exceeding the conventional norm, says narcologist Vasily Shurov.

Shortly before the holidays, doctor Shurov told how much alcohol you can drink without harm to health. The doctor stressed that alcohol acts on the body as a toxin, and even in small quantities it can cause serious disturbances in the condition and functioning of internal organs.

The specialist also noted that dependence on alcohol – alcoholism – can develop even with the use of low-alcohol drinks, which are not perceived as dangerous at all. Moreover, it is precisely such drinks that in practice often lead to the formation of dependence, since they are drunk in large quantities.

Shurov explained how much alcohol can be drunk without harm to health.

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“To avoid health problems and not get hooked on alcohol, you do not need to drink more than the conventional norm. For example, in an hour the liver processes 20 grams of ethyl alcohol, which is equal to 150 milliliters of champagne or 20 grams of vodka,” the narcologist told the 360 ​​TV channel about the correct dosage. feasts.

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Earlier, the portal wrote that psychiatrist-narcologist Vitaly Holdin shared recommendations for drinking alcohol on holidays.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Vasily Shurov Vasily Shurov healthy lifestyle psychiatrist, narcologist