
“Get tested for iron deficiency”: Doctor Tabeeva answered how to curb cravings for sweets

Doctor Kamila Tabeeva: by replenishing the level of microelements that the body lacks, you can curb an excessively strong craving for sweets.

Endocrinologist Tabeeva reported that vitamin and microelement deficiencies are one of the reasons for cravings for sweets and the so-called sugar addiction. In particular, the doctor advised people who cannot live without sweets to get tested for possible iron deficiency – this is one of the common reasons for this habit.

“You need to check for a deficiency of iron, B vitamins, other vitamins and microelements. Their deficiency can increase cravings for sweets,” the endocrinologist responded in a comment to Gazeta.Ru.
Tabeeva added that many people eat sweets, using them as an antidepressant. Sugar-containing products promote the production of endorphins and other substances that provide a good mood and a sense of pleasure. The doctor stated that these substances are produced by the human brain during sports and walks in nature. Thus, activities accompanied by physical activity are also a working way to curb cravings for everything sweet.

The doctor also noted that cravings for sugar-containing products are significantly increased by lack of sleep. In turn, a good night's sleep helps to relate to sweets more calmly.

“In addition, it is important to write down what you eat whenever possible. This way, you can estimate the amount of carbohydrates you consume on your own or with the help of a specialist,” the specialist gave another piece of advice.
Earlier, the portal wrote about what foods and drinks should be excluded from the diet in old age.

Important! The information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Kamilya Tabeeva Kamilya Tabeeva Healthy lifestyle, endocrinologist