
Addiction or not yet? Narcologist Masyakin pointed out 6 criteria of alcoholism

a glass of wine
Narcologist Anton Masyakin told what criteria alcohol dependence is determined by.

Narcologist Masyakin said in a conversation with RIA Novosti that alcoholism (aka alcohol dependence syndrome) has clear criteria. The doctor pointed out 6 criteria of alcoholism.

  • The presence of a psychological desire to drink alcohol (a person experiences such a desire regardless of the circumstances, he wants to experience the sensations associated with intoxication).
  • Loss of the ability to control drinking (a person cannot stop after drinking a little).
  • li>Development of withdrawal syndrome (a person needs to get drunk in order to feel good).
  • Development of tolerance (a person stops feeling intoxicated from the usual dose and begins to increase it).
  • Inability to stop drinking, when health problems become known.
  • Changes in social functioning in favor of alcohol (the main thing for a person is the opportunity to drink, and work, business, communication and family responsibilities fade into the background).

Narcologist Masyakin clarified:

“We can talk about addiction syndrome if there are at least three criteria for a month or more.”
Earlier, the portal wrote that people who are undergoing treatment for alcoholism should not drink non-alcoholic beer and wine.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Anton Masyakin Anton Masyakin Health chief freelance specialist, psychiatrist-narcologist of the Moscow Department of Health