
Gastroenterologist Sumarokova spoke about the benefits of minimal doses of alcohol

white wine
Gastroenterologist Anastasia Sumarokova: small doses of alcoholic beverages can be beneficial to some extent.

Discussing the dangers of alcohol for health, doctor Sumarokova said in interview:

“All alcoholic beverages can be divided into more or less harmful according to their variety.”
Alcohol with gas. The doctor called this type of alcoholic beverage the most harmful to the body. So, champagne, in which gas is combined with sugar, quickly raises the level of sugar in the blood, and its inherent acidity negatively affects the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

“Champagne is difficult to combine with food and provokes in the intestines not digestion, but fermentation, rotting of food,” Sumarokova shared with Gazeta.Ru.
Another alcoholic drink with gas – beer – can also disrupt normal processes in the intestines, causing fermentation, diarrhea. In addition, because of the addiction to beer, men quickly form body fat, while women, in turn, form an excess of male hormones that threaten them with hormonal imbalance.

Alcoholic cocktails.The doctor said that due to the high sugar content, these drinks contribute to an excessive load on the pancreas and significant tissue intoxication.

Wine. This is a much less harmful and even somewhat healthy alcoholic drink.

“Wine is an antioxidant, it has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and blood vessels, protects them due to resveratrol. Thanks to the organic acids in wine, it improves digestion, helps to absorb and break down protein,” said the physician.
Anastasia Sumarokova stressed that this only applies to the correct dose of wine: for men – a glass, for women – half a glass. Dry wine is preferable to sweet.

Cognac. According to the doctor, cognac has positive properties, including strengthening the immune system, dilating blood vessels and relieving spasms. The maximum allowable dose is 80 ml.

Vodka.Gastroenterologist Sumarokova called it the least harmful strong alcohol – there are no unwanted extraneous and chemical additives in vodka.

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“The fewer all kinds of additives in alcohol, the less dangerous it is for health ”.
Vodka has an antiseptic effect and has a positive effect on digestion. It should be drunk strictly in the minimum amount.

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Earlier, the portal wrote about what drinks lead to uncontrolled obesity.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Anastasia Sumarokova Anastasia Sumarokova Healthy lifestyle family therapist, gastroenterologist, nutritionist