
For breakfast, you should not eat white bread and cereals from refined cereals.

white bread
You should not eat corn or semolina porridge for breakfast, it is better to replace them with whole grain cereals.

For breakfast, you should avoid eating such foods like white bread and cereals from refined cereals – eating them is appropriate only if a person has to engage in heavy physical exertion. In other cases, it is preferable to have breakfast with foods that do not contain a large amount of simple carbohydrates.

“It is better to replace white bread with black or gray (from wholemeal flour), refined cereals, such as semolina and corn porridge, with whole grains. The latter include buckwheat, barley, pearl barley, ”healthy nutrition.rf informed, referring to specialists from Rospotrebnadzor.
According to them, eating white bread or semolina (high-glycemic foods rich in carbohydrates) contributes to an increase in blood sugar, which after a while begins to “fall” due to the release of large amounts of insulin by the body. Such fluctuations are associated with the risk of developing insulin resistance. , excess weight and type 2 diabetes, problems with carbohydrate metabolism, pancreas. In addition, addiction to carbohydrate foods leads to pathological changes in the functioning of the heart, since high blood sugar negatively affects the state of blood vessels. To do this, it will also be useful to refuse ready-made sauces, processed foods, semi-finished products, sugary drinks. The diet should contain complex carbohydrates and fiber, fresh vegetables, clean drinking water.

Earlier, the portal wrote that a lack of fiber in the diet is associated with the risk of developing three types of cancer.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.