
Dr. Malysheva: the core of apples contains probiotics that are beneficial for the intestines

Professor Malysheva: the core of apples eaten has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

When eating apples, their core is often thrown away, but it is it is extremely useful for improving the functioning of the intestines and the development of its microflora. This was told by Elena Malysheva, who also said that the core of apples contains probiotics that are beneficial for the intestines.

“The composition of the core of apples includes probiotics that have a positive effect on the intestines. It contains about 100 million probiotics, while the apple itself contains only 10 million,” shared the doctor and TV presenter.
Probiotics are living microbacteria, and they are able to protect the body from harmful bacteria and fungi, and also help it maintain water-salt balance, better absorb calcium and iron, and prevent the negative effects of antibiotics.

In addition to containing probiotics, apples are valuable because they contain pectin, added cardiologist German Gandelman. According to the doctor, when pectin falls into the body, it forms a mass in the intestines, including, among other things, cholesterol particles, carcinogens and other harmful substances, which are subsequently excreted with the stool. In addition, apples improve the condition of blood vessels, help prevent dangerous vascular disorders.

“The use of apples also contributes to the production of nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels. Thus, they are useful for people with high blood pressure, they can reduce the risk of developing a stroke,” the doctor informed.
Earlier, the portal wrote that some vegetables and fruits provoke a strong, difficult to control feeling of hunger.

Important! This information is provided for reference only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Elena Malysheva Elena Malysheva healthy lifestyle physician, cardiologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, host of health programs