
Doctor Shalunts said that lifestyle and stress in women accelerate menopause

an adult woman is sad
Obstetrician-gynecologist Varduhi Shalunts named factors that accelerate the onset of menopause in women.

The onset of menopause means reduced production of sex hormones due to age-related changes. As a rule, this occurs in women approaching 50 years of age, but doctor Shalunts noted in an interview that menopause can occur at an earlier age.

“Recently, patients with a tendency to decrease ovarian reserve, insufficiency of ovarian function at a young age of up to 40 years – and at 30 years old, and even at 20 are more common,” the doctor shared with Gazeta.Ru.
The specialist listed pathological reasons for the accelerated onset of menopause in the form of heredity, previous operations, termination of pregnancy or existing diseases (for example, it is known that it is accelerated by hypertension, diabetes, cancer.
Quality of life, nutrition, and the presence of bad habits also matter: doctor Shalunts said that lifestyle and stress in women also accelerate menopause.

“Smoking and alcohol are the most harmful and common factors that accelerate the onset of menopause in women . Nicotine and alcohol toxins have a negative effect on a woman’s entire body as a whole.”
In addition, the degree of physical activity affects the female body: too intense or, conversely, insufficient can be a factor in the onset of menopause. Another significant influencing factor is obesity: excess fat, which has hormone-like substances, provokes hormonal changes that lead to the extinction of estrogen production.

“Foods that contain plant estrogens have a positive effect on the reproductive sphere: whole grains, nuts, seeds, flax seed, flaxseed oil, olive oil, avocado, fatty fish,” the doctor advised women.
The portal previously wrote that strokes are increasingly occurring today in people aged 30 and 40.< p class="warning_txt">Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Vardui Shalunts Vardui Shalunts Healthy lifestyle obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive specialist