
Doctor Pavlova told how to make okroshka healthier

According to endocrinologist Zukhra Pavlova, okroshka is one of the preferred summer dishes; it contains many microelements useful for the body, especially if it is cooked correctly.

Okroshka doctor Pavlova called “the right dish.” Eating this dish is a natural way to prevent malignant diseases.

“It has very good protein (eggs) and a lot of complex carbohydrates (vegetables and herbs), and radishes are a source of sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol; these substances play a huge role in the prevention of oncology,” the doctor said in an interview.
Pavlova also told how to make okroshka healthier. it is a rich source of fiber.

  • It is preferable to use not sausage, but boiled meat.
  • The dish should be filled with kefir with a fat content of up to 3.2%, or natural kvass that does not contain sugar, artificial additives .
  • There is no need to eat cold okroshka – a dish at room temperature is much more useful.
  • “Cold food leads to hypothermia of the mucous membranes and spasm of the biliary tract, which is fraught with constipation,” doctor Zukhra warned Pavlova.
    Earlier, the portal wrote about what products can be used for snacks before bedtime. Zukhra Pavlova Zukhra Pavlova Healthy lifestyle endocrinologist, ISEC MSU them. M. V. Lomonosov, Candidate of Medical Sciences