
Doctor Myasnikov answered whether coffee increases the risk of pancreatic cancer

Doctor Alexander Myasnikov commented on the statement about the ability of coffee to increase the risk of pancreatic cancer.

Doctor Myasnikov answered whether coffee increases the risk of pancreatic cancer. A well-known physician said that this should not be believed.

“There is a widespread belief that coffee increases the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Coffee, on the contrary, today officially belongs to anti-cancer drugs,” Dr. Myasnikov stated on the air of the program “About the Most Important Thing.”
He added that the “point of application” of coffee is the liver – regular consumption of two cups of the drink almost halves the risk of developing cirrhosis.

“And, it would seem, it’s not far from the liver to the pancreas, but coffee is officially classified as a product that prevents cancer pathology,” explained the famous Russian physician.
Natural coffee without added sugar is a rich source of antioxidants that effectively fight inflammation in the body. It is this antioxidant effect of coffee that gives the drink its reputation as an anti-cancer agent. Its use reduces the likelihood of such types of cancer as liver cancer, skin cancer, breast and prostate cancer, and intestinal cancer.

“Drink coffee within reasonable limits – no more than three cups a day. It contains polyphenols and a lot of other useful substances,” Myasnikov advised.
He added that it is not worth dividing foods into healthy and harmful. The main thing in nutrition is the quality and quantity of foods consumed, as well as the timing of meals.

The portal previously wrote about why storing bread in the freezer makes bread more healthy.

< b>Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Alexander Myasnikov Alexander Myasnikov Healthy lifestyle general practitioner, cardiologist, chief physician of City Clinical Hospital No. 71 (Moscow), television and radio presenter.