
Doctor Kashukh: ketchup and mustard are among the most harmful sauces

hot dog with ketchup
Gastroenterologist Ekaterina Kashukh explained how the use of ready-made sauces harms the figure and health.

The medic warned in an interview against passion for mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard – the habit of “improving” food with their help negatively affects the body. In particular, Kashukh drew attention to how high-calorie mayonnaise is: 100 grams of this sauce provide more than 600 kcal. It is better for people who need to lose weight to refuse mayonnaise (as well as for those who are more diabetic or have a fatty liver problem).

“If you like the taste of mayonnaise and do not want to give up this product at all, it is better to cook it yourself, while replacing sunflower oil with olive oil,” the doctor shared with Gazeta.Ru.
Kashukh also advised using ketchup with caution. The expert called the sauce harmful because of the added sugar. In case of violations of carbohydrate metabolism, the product should be excluded from the diet. In addition, store-bought ketchups are often “enriched” with dyes or preservatives that negatively affect the intestinal microflora.

“There is also a lot of sugar in other sauces: soy sauce, hoisin – the Chinese “analogue” of barbecue, ranch.”
The doctor attributed mustard, beloved by many, to the most harmful sauces. Kashukh said that mustard is an allergen, besides, in the presence of certain diseases, the sauce is contraindicated. The list of these diseases includes pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, kidney disease, cardiovascular diseases.

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The doctor recommended studying the composition of any ready-made sauce when buying it.

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“A large amount of fat, sugar, dyes and flavorings is harmful both for the figure and for health,” the expert concluded.
Earlier portal wrote about what products are useful for daily use.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Ekaterina Kashukh Ekaterina Kashukh Healthy lifestyle doctor-gastroenterologist, candidate of medical sciences