
Doctor Karshieva advised eating fermented foods to slow down aging

fermented foods
Gastroenterologist Anna Karshieva: foods that enrich the intestinal microbiota help slow down aging.

Gastroenterologist Karshieva said in an interview that the state of the intestinal microbiota ( communities of bacteria living in the intestines) has a significant impact on the state of the body.

“In the gut bacteria depend on immunity, the fight against inflammation and even mood. The better and more diverse the composition of the microbiota, the more the body is protected from various negative processes,” the physician told the Prime agency.
The specialist added that a diverse and balanced gut microbiome helps slow down aging – thanks to it, a healthy weight is maintained, skin, hair, and joints stay in good condition for longer, and the onset of age-related diseases is delayed.

“The composition of the microbiota can be influenced by nutrition. The more necessary substances the beneficial intestinal bacteria receive, the better the composition of the microbial community,” shared Anna Karshieva.
In particular, the doctor recommended to consume enough fiber. Its source is foods such as whole grain cereals, brown (unpolished) rice, whole grain oats, bran, bulgur, legumes, nuts, vegetables and fruits. .

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“Sauerkraut, kimchi, pickled apples, pickles and tomatoes and many other pickles are very beneficial due to their positive effect on the microbiota. There is evidence that the longevity of South Koreans is largely the result of their diet rich in fermented foods,” the expert explained.
At the same time, Karshieva warned that not everyone can consume fiber and fermented foods without consequences. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, their inclusion in the diet should be discussed with your doctor.

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Earlier, wrote that coffee helps restore damaged liver cells.< p class="warning_txt">Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Anna Karshieva Anna Karshieva healthy lifestyle gastroenterologist