
Doctor Berezhansky: ice cream in the heat dangerously increases the load on the heart

ice cream in a woman's hand
Candidate Pavel Berezhansky: in the heat there is no need to eat ice cream and other cold delicacies saturated with fat.

Doctor Berezhansky warned: ice cream in The heat dangerously increases the load on the heart. In addition, it forces the digestive system to work more intensively, which is fraught for the body, exhausted by heat, overexertion and the appearance of various types of disorders.

Berezhansky explained that ice cream contains a lot of fat, which is poorly digested in hot weather due to insufficient body resources. A lot of his energy goes into adapting to existence in an uncomfortable environment.

“For example, ice cream contains up to 20% fat. Eating such food puts a lot of stress on the digestive and cardiovascular systems. After all, the body needs to not only digest food, but also absorb it so that the nutrients are distributed throughout the body. Therefore, in the heat of the day, it is advisable to eat less ice cream or give it up completely,” the doctor shared with AiF.
Pavel Berezhansky added that anything too cold in the heat (ice cream and other icy desserts or drinks) is fraught with danger to the body in hot weather. When something from the refrigerator enters a heated body with blood vessels dilated from intense heat, this provokes their abnormal contraction and spasms. The consequences may be headaches, unfavorable digestive symptoms, breathing problems, decreased immunity.

The expert emphasized: food and drink, even at the very peak of the heat, should be at room temperature, about 25 degrees.

Previously the portal wrote about what the optimal amount of liquid consumed per day should be – nutritionist Tatyana Zaletova spoke about this in detail.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Pavel Berezhansky Pavel Berezhansky Healthy lifestyle Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of Sechenov University