
Cardiologist Ashikhmin: with hypertension it is important to eat the right bread and pasta

pressure measurement
Cardiologist-therapist Yaroslav Ashikhmin: for people with hypertension, whole grain bread and pasta are among the most preferred products.

Cardiologist Ashikhmin told what food products should be present in the diet of people with hypertension, that is, chronically high blood pressure. The doctor said that a separate group of products that are important for hypertensive patients to consume to improve blood pressure are sources of antioxidants – primarily a variety of berries.

“150-200 grams of berries per week cover the need for antioxidants,” shared physician with Gazeta.Ru.
Also, the cardiologist added, with hypertension it is important to eat the right bread and pasta – we are talking about whole grain products that provide the body with fiber. Thanks to the consumption of fiber, the absorption of fat slows down, and the blood vessels become better protected from the formation of plaques that impair blood conductivity and contribute to an increase in its pressure on the vascular walls.

“It is important to eat whole grain products, that is, unpolished buckwheat, brown rice, whole grain bread , pasta made from whole grain flour,” listed Yaroslav Ashikhmin.
The doctor also drew attention to the fact that the normalization of blood pressure in the arteries and vessels is facilitated by the consumption of greens – this product combines fiber with a rich set of microelements that have a beneficial effect on vascular tissue.

“Cheese, dairy products and white meat do not harm hypertensive patients,” added the cardiologist.
The doctor considers the Mediterranean diet and its variation, the DASH diet, to be the best nutrition format for existing hypertension.

Earlier, the portal wrote that in hot weather, blood pressure increases people may either increase or decrease.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Yaroslav Ashikhmin Yaroslav Ashikhmin Healthy lifestyle cardiologist, therapist