
A nutritionist told how to choose the right cereals

Dietitian-endocrinologist Albina Komissarova told what to look for when choosing cereals.

In the diet of a healthy person who consciously approaches the preparation of his diet, cereals should be daily.

However, in order for them to bring maximum benefit, they must be chosen correctly.⠀

If you buy rice, pay attention to its shade. It must be even. The presence of yellow rice grains in the package indicates that the storage conditions were not observed. Most likely, the rice was stored in conditions of high humidity.⠀

“Please note that there is a minimum amount of crushed grains. More transparent grains will be more crumbly when cooked,” says the expert.
Buckwheat is one of the most useful cereals. Give preference to light brown groats, while all the grains should have an even shade.

We also make sure that there are a minimum of split, crushed grains and specks in the pack.

Semolina. It is often taken to children, so special attention is paid to this cereal. Shake the package before buying. Look carefully for bugs or debris in it. ⠀

We prefer the sort M – as a rule, it has a white or barely noticeable cream shade. Such groats are softer and more tender when cooked.

T variety semolina has a more yellow tint, it is harder. Sometimes varieties are mixed.

Perlovka is another storehouse of useful elements. Choose packs with grains of approximately the same size. It is desirable that there are no dark grains.

When buying barley groats, look not only for the color (it should be yellow-gray), but also for the presence of impurities. There should not be any lumps in the pack. Albina Komissarova Albina Komissarova Healthy lifestyle Nutritionist-endocrinologist