
The expert told why adults take Omega

omega-3 capsules
Dr. Svetlana Ishchenko told why adults need to take omega-3 and what dosages are optimal.

Omega-3 is the basis, the foundation for the process of building new cells, their regeneration. And since this process is continuous and continues throughout a person’s life, we always have a need for omega-3.

“Omega affects all the basic functions of our body.⠀Improves memory and cognitive functions of the brain. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system: blood vessels, veins, heart, blood thinning, pressure regulation,” says the expert.
Also, omega is needed to maintain visual acuity. The skin also needs polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially for eczema, dermatitis, and acne. Omega-3 is the best antioxidant.

Health of the liver and weight control also directly depend on adequate levels of omega-3 in the body.

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The production of sex hormones is also impossible without fats. That is why omega is also needed for a regular cycle, the production of an adequate level of hormones. Svetlana Ishchenko Svetlana Ishchenko Health Infectious disease doctor, naturopath