
“Take Vitamins C and D”: Nutritionist Nikitina Explains How to Strengthen Your Immunity in the Fall

taking vitamins
Nutritionist Diana Nikitina told what substances help to strengthen the body in anticipation of the cold weather.

In the fall, due to the reduction in daylight hours and sun, as well as other weather and atmospheric changes, the human body undergoes a serious restructuring, ensuring its adaptation to new climatic conditions. To prevent such a change from becoming a strong stress and damaging the immune system, nutritionist Nikitina advised supporting the body by taking certain vitamins.

In a conversation with the portal, the expert clarified: for health in the fall, you need to take vitamins C and D. Nikitina drew attention to the fact that vitamin D helps the body smoothly restructure its circadian rhythms, and also plays a key role in strengthening the immune system. As for vitamin C, it is necessary for the coordinated work of the immune and nervous systems, for the healthy functioning of the adrenal glands (in addition, it reduces the level of stress, fatigue and fatigue).

“In the autumn, there is a decrease in the intake of fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and greens in the diet of Russians. To prevent a deficiency, it makes sense to take vitamin complexes that contain active forms of B vitamins, as well as minerals and antioxidants,” the expert shared her opinion.
Nikitina added that one of the substances that is especially important for health is magnesium, which is involved in more than 300 biochemical processes occurring in the human body. Its sufficiency improves stress resistance, helps to normalize sleep and improve the quality of cognitive functions.

Earlier, the portal wrote that eating half an onion a day helps the body more effectively protect itself from ARVI infection.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Diana Nikitina Diana Nikitina Health nutritionist