
Sugar and pasta made from white flour: Doctor Lebedeva named 5 products harmful to health and appearance

macaroni and bread
Doctor Dilyara Lebedeva: by excluding these products from your diet, you can improve your appearance and well-being – I was convinced of this from my own experience.

For those who want to change their appearance and health for the better, Doctor Lebedeva advised limiting certain food groups in their diet.

“We need to focus on a more varied and balanced diet. You shouldn’t immediately give up any unhealthy food – it’s much more effective to gradually limit it,” Dilyara Lebedeva said on Telegram.
The doctor reported that she had similarly restructured her own diet and was convinced that the method of giving up foods that were harmful to health and appearance really works.

What foods exactly does the specialist recommend limiting?

White flour bread and pasta. Such food is a source of refined carbohydrates, which provoke sharp jumps in blood sugar and insulin levels – this is what contributes to intensive fat deposition in the body and the occurrence of severe fatigue and drowsiness during the day.

Sugar.Its regular use ages the skin, as glucose has the property of destroying collagen molecules – a protein that provides the skin with elasticity and smoothness. According to Lebedeva, instead of sweets, she eats fruits and berries. If you follow this habit for some time, you can notice a positive change in the condition of your skin.

Fast food and semi-finished products.Such products almost always contain trans fats, excess salt, and preservatives. By freeing your body from the need to digest these components, you can significantly improve its functioning and reduce the risk of organ dysfunction.

Processed meat and dairy products. Lebedeva admitted that by excluding them from her daily menu, she forgot about digestive problems.

The doctor believes that the basis of the diet should be whole grain cereals, protein, fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, and healthy fats.

Earlier, the portal wrote about which soups popular with Russians can seriously harm the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Dilyara Lebedeva Dilyara Lebedeva Health gastroenterologist, endocrinologist