
Neurologist Botsenko spoke about what diseases are indicated by neck pain, doctor Alekhina explained how to prevent unpleasant sensations

Neurologist Botsenko spoke about what diseases are indicated by neck pain, doctor Alekhina explained how to prevent unpleasant sensations

According to statistics, up to 70% of the adult population experience discomfort in the neck area. It most often affects the back of the neck, although fewer complaints concern the anterior and lateral areas. To identify the causes of this discomfort, it is important to analyze several aspects, such as the location of the pain, its duration and nature.

This information was shared with “Evening Moscow” by Doctor of Medical Sciences , neurologist-vegetologist Elena Belenko.

The specialist notes that for neck pain, it is first of all necessary to exclude specific causes, such as:

  • thyroid disease;
  • problems with the larynx;
  • diseases of the lymph nodes;
  • dental problems.

“In such cases, the pain can be reflected, that is, it can come from the problem organ and spread to the neck,” explains Belenko. “Very often, neck pain is first associated with problems in the cervical spine, such as osteochondrosis or hernias. In such cases, the pain is usually of a specific nature – piercing, caused by compression of the nerve roots by a hernia. Sometimes it can spread to the arms. However, it is also “referred” pain and pain associated with nerve roots make up only a small part of all causes of discomfort in the cervical region,” says Botsenko.
Neurologist Alexandra Alekhina told how to prevent neck pain.

“If the cause pain is a chronic disease, then treatment with a specialist will help get rid of the unpleasant sensations. If we are talking about periodic pain associated with lifestyle, then there are several important techniques. Preventing neck pain can include a number of simple but effective strategies.”
Alekhina gave some advice:

Maintain correct posture: watch your posture, make sure your back is straight and your shoulders are relaxed. Use a pillow that supports the natural curve of your neck as you sleep.

Stretch your neck regularly: Spend a few minutes each day stretching your neck and shoulder girdle to reduce tension and improve flexibility.< br>
Avoid prolonged sitting in one position: If you work at a computer or stay in one position for long periods of time, take breaks to stretch and warm up.

Strengthen your neck muscles: Perform exercises to strengthen your neck muscles to reduce the risk of injury and pain .

Control stress: Stress can cause tension in the neck muscles. Practice relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation or breathing exercises.

Maintain an active lifestyle: Regular exercise will help strengthen your muscles and joints, including your neck.

Wear the right shoes and furniture: Wear comfortable shoes with arch support and use ergonomic furniture to reduce stress on your neck and back.

Beware of overexertionby lifting heavy objects or When playing sports, use the correct technique and avoid overload.

Watch your head position when using gadgets: When working with smartphones and tablets, keep your head in a neutral position to avoid unnecessary strain on your neck .

Following these recommendations can help you prevent neck pain and maintain the health of this part of the body.

MedicForum previously wrote about the health benefits of sauerkraut.
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Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.