
Lack of sleep and stress: cardiologist names the most dangerous lifestyle factors for the heart

heart problems
Cardiologist Valeria Bonadykova: today, an unhealthy lifestyle is increasingly becoming the cause of heart disease in people.

Cardiologist Bonadykova reminded in a comment to that cardiovascular diseases occupy a leading position in the statistics of causes of death. The doctor noted that in some cases, heart disease occurs due to reasons that are difficult to control: for example, these include age (for men – after 55 years, for women – after 65 years) or hereditary predisposition.

“If parents or other close relatives were diagnosed with hypertension, myocardial infarction, heart rhythm disturbances and other pathologies at a young age, it is necessary to constantly monitor your health,” the cardiologist emphasized.
At the same time, the doctor drew attention to the fact that the main reason for the appearance of cardiovascular pathologies is not “bad” heredity or aging, but a lifestyle in which a person's heart and blood vessels are constantly tested for strength.

Cardiologist Bonadykova named the most dangerous lifestyle factors for the heart:

  • Lack of sleep;
  • Frequent stress;
  • Overwork due to lack of balance between work and rest;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Smoking;
  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Lack of adequate physical activity;
  • Excess weight.

The doctor advised Russians to carefully monitor the amount of physical activity present in their daily lives.

“I recommend introducing physical activity into your daily routine – morning exercises, walking, swimming. This will not only keep your cardiovascular system in good shape, but will also increase the level of the good mood hormone – serotonin in the blood,” the specialist stated.
In addition, Bonadykova added, to maintain good heart health, it is necessary to control the amount of salt and sugar consumed in food, as well as monitor your blood pressure and undergo preventive medical examinations, know the ECG indicators.

Earlier, the portal wrote about what causes heart attacks at a young age, which were pointed out by doctor Alexander Myasnikov.

Important! The information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Valeria Bonadykova Valeria Bonadykova Health cardiologist, functional diagnostician