
How to recognize the atypical course of a heart attack: cardiologist Songurov

bad heart
Cardiologist Rashid Songurov: in an atypical course, a heart attack can take an abdominal form.

A cardiologist Songurov said in an interview how one can recognize the atypical course of a heart attack to which certain categories of people are prone. Among them are people with diabetes, the elderly, as well as those who abuse alcohol.

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The doctor said that a heart attack can occur in the abdominal variant. This form of heart attack is insidious in that it can be mistaken for routine food poisoning. The following symptoms may occur.

  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Sharp pain in upper segment of the abdomen.

“In the asthmatic variant, marked shortness of breath, suffocation, and increased respiratory rate are noted. The arrhythmic variant is manifested by rhythm and conduction disturbances, paroxysmal tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, ventricular tachycardia,” Songurov told Gazeta.Ru.
The cardiologist emphasized: in the event of a heart attack, it is extremely important to provide the injured person with the fastest possible medical assistance. What does this mean? That it is necessary to call an ambulance at the very beginning of the pain syndrome, without waiting for a possible improvement. Most deaths due to the consequences of myocardial infarction occur within an hour after the onset of the ailment.

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How can a person be helped before an ambulance arrives?

  • Help him to sit up.
  • Ensure peace.
  • Open a window or door for fresh air.
  • Relax restrictive elements of clothing.
  • Control blood pressure and pulse.

Earlier, the portal wrote about the dangers of taking heart medications in the heat. Rashid Songurov Rashid Songurov Health functional diagnostics doctor, cardiologist