
Hoarseness and shoulder pain: Oncologist Romanov names atypical symptoms of lung cancer

Oncologist Denis Romanov: pain in the thoracic spine, shoulder blades or shoulders may “indicate” the presence of a malignant tumor in the lung.

Oncologist Romanov told that lung cancer is one of the most insidious malignant diseases – this disease can be confusing with its unexpected manifestations. According to the doctor, even traditional symptoms associated with the growth of a lung tumor – cough and shortness of breath – are often perceived as consequences of laryngitis, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) or chronic bronchitis, especially in long-term smokers.

In addition, a dangerous disease may have atypical symptoms that may be associated with other ailments that are less severe than cancer – for example, with colds or sore throat due to an infection, osteochondrosis. Such symptoms arise in connection with the development and growth of a formation in the lung, which, increasing, begins to squeeze neighboring tissues and structures.

In particular, a feeling of discomfort or pain in the joints of the upper body – for example, pain in the shoulders – may indicate lung cancer.

“We tend to immediately explain pain in the thoracic spine, shoulder blades, shoulders, and chest as “osteochondrosis” or “heart”, but with a certain localization of the tumor in the lung or its spread to surrounding structures, pain can be the first sign of a malignant tumor,” the oncologist stated.
Denis Romanov also named other atypical symptoms of lung cancer.

  • Hoarseness or hoarseness of the voice;
  • Dysphagia (problems swallowing);
  • Unmotivated weight loss;
  • Prolonged increase in body temperature;
  • Convulsions;
  • Conditions resembling cerebrovascular accidents.

“Symptoms of lung cancer may include complaints about dysfunction of other organs that are affected by its metastases. For example, when the brain is affected, seizures or conditions similar to acute cerebrovascular accident occur – memory, speech, vision, coordination of movements, strength in the limbs. Or bones suffer,” the doctor noted.
Romanov added that the only reliable way to detect lung cancer early is screening. If a patient comes to the doctor complaining of negative symptoms caused by it, this usually means that the disease has already reached the third or fourth stage of its development, when the chances of being cured become very small. The oncologist emphasized: the best way to detect a problem in time and preserve the lungs is to undergo regular preventive checks of their condition.

Earlier, the portal wrote that blood cancer at an early stage can be confused with ARVI.

Important! The information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Denis Romanov Denis Romanov Health radiotherapist, PhD