
It is possible to live to 120 years: opinions of the head of the Ministry of Health Murashko and doctor Kondrakhin

older people
Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said that a person can live to 120 years.

The country's Health Minister Mikhail Murashko shared his opinion on the possibility of a human lifespan of up to 120 years in a conversation with journalists. He stated that genetics can give a person a chance to live so long, provided that they follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

“It is genetically embedded in a person,” Murashko answered the question of whether people today can live to 120 years.
The Minister noted that approximately 60% of the factors in the development of various diseases can be prevented by following the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Also, according to him, constant contact between a person and doctors, preventive examinations and following medical recommendations contribute to prolonging life.

Therapist and cardiologist Andrei Kondrakhin also shared his opinion on the possibility of living to 120 years. In a commentary to RT, he explained that the likelihood of such an event could become a reality under the condition of ideal genetics.

“If this is an ideal person, whose genetics are absolutely ideal, and his relatives in all generations lived to 120 and did not suffer from any diseases,” the doctor explained what is included in the concept of ideal genetics.
Kondrakhin added that research data confirms that the human body has a unique natural program that allows it to live to 120 years and even to a more respectable age. In practice, this does not happen, because there are acquired diseases that arise under the influence of a wide range of factors existing in the external environment. In the fight against such diseases, the body depletes its protective resources, and this limits life expectancy.

Earlier, the portal wrote that the famous doctor Alexander Myasnikov shared the secret of his youthful appearance, which he retains at over 70 years old.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.