
Endocrinologist Terushkin linked night awakenings with a dangerous disruption of circadian rhythms

Endocrinologist Roman Terushkin spoke about sleep disorders that are caused by disruption of circadian rhythms, requiring consultation with a doctor.

Many people complain of poor sleep or insomnia . Endocrinologist Terushkin said that chronic lack of sleep has a significant negative impact on people's health. Its consequences include excessive tension in the nervous system, deterioration of brain function and susceptibility to degenerative pathologies, decreased immunity, and hormonal imbalances.

“During sleep, critically important processes occur in the body: the functioning of all body systems is normalized and restored, the nervous system is rebooted, memory functions and immunity are improved,” noted Roman Terushkin in an interview with “Evening Moscow.”
The doctor noted that the inability to get enough sleep can be caused by problems that should be corrected by professional doctors. The same insomnia can take a form that is not amenable to a person’s independent attempts to return to normal sleep. Terushkin named signs of sleep disorders that indicate their seriousness and the need to seek help from a doctor.

In particular, such a sign is the inability to fall asleep within 20 minutes after going to bed, even despite fatigue and drowsiness. Another dangerous sign is untimely, too early awakening. Another sign is night awakenings.

“Waking up in the middle of the night: sleep should not be interrupted by getting up to go to the toilet or going to the refrigerator,” the specialist pointed out.
According to the expert, repeated repetition of these problems within a week for three months is a sign that you need to see a doctor. Terushkin linked regular premature and night awakenings with a dangerous disruption of circadian rhythms.

“Most likely, this means that due to chronic stress the body is so depleted, releasing an endless amount of cortisol, that the circadian rhythms are out of whack,” the endocrinologist explained .
Earlier, the portal wrote that the urge to urinate at night can occur due to diabetes.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Roman Terushkin Roman Terushkin Health, endocrinologist