
Doctor Andreeva: red swollen gums and other signs of diabetes in the mouth

Doctor Andreeva: red swollen gums and other signs of diabetes in the mouth
Early symptoms – especially type 2 diabetes – are “not always obvious.” “In fact, signs and symptoms can appear so gradually that people can have type 2 diabetes for many years before they are diagnosed,” said GP Irina Andreeva in an interview with MedForum.
of a potentially painful signal in the mouth.

It says that “red, swollen, sensitive gums”may indicate this condition.

“Diabetes can impair your ability to fight germs, which increases the risk of infection in the gums and bones that hold teeth in place,” the therapist explains. “Your gums may flake off your teeth, your teeth may become loose, or you may develop ulcers or pockets of pus in your gums, especially if you had a gum infection before developing diabetes,” the doctor explains.
If you notice any possible signs or symptoms of diabetes, see your doctor.”

“Diabetes is a serious disease and the sooner it is diagnosed, the sooner treatment can begin. With your active participation and the support of your medical team, you can manage your diabetes and lead an active, healthy life,” says Andreeva.
Doctor Krishan named signs in the urine that something is wrong with your kidneys is mainly caused by lifestyle choices or family history, while it is not known what causes type 1.

Neurologist names signs on hands and feet that signal diabetes

Another important a symptom of diabetes is excessive thirst and frequent urination – in diabetes, an excess of glucose, a type of sugar, accumulates in the blood. Your kidneys have to work overtime to filter and absorb excess glucose.

When your kidneys fail, excess glucose is excreted in the urine, dragging fluids out of the tissues, causing dehydration.

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