
Changes in the condition of the hands indicate problems with the body: doctor

In an interview with the therapist Lyudmila Lapa, some changes in the hands were called a dangerous sign of dysfunctional processes in the body.

In particular, the doctor said that the increased dry hands, it can be assumed that there are problems in the state of the pancreas. In addition, this may indicate candidiasis.

“The blue color of the skin indicates impaired blood microcirculation. And this, in turn, speaks of problems with the heart, ”the therapist Lapa continued, talking with Gazeta.RU.
The medic added that pigmentation similar to freckles can sometimes be seen on the skin of the hands. Such a change in the condition of the skin on the hands is a possible sign of problems in the functioning of organs such as the gallbladder or liver. These pathologies lead to stagnation of bile and accumulation of bilirubin, as a result, the skin becomes covered with spots.

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Also, Lapa reported that when dots appear on the nails of the hands, dark or whitish, it can be assumed that a fungal infection has occurred. In this case, you need to contact a dermatologist.

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Earlier, the portal wrote about non-obvious signs of liver cirrhosis. Ludmila Lapa Ludmila Lapa Health therapist