
Cardiologist Kurbanova: proper drinking of water protects against blood clots

Cardiologist Darina Kurbanova: maintaining a drinking regime is an important condition for protecting against the appearance of blood clots.

Cardiologist Kurbanova recalled that blood clots are insoluble blood clots that occur on the inner wall of blood vessels and impair the movement of blood. Large and dense blood clots can break away from their attachment point and, along with the bloodstream, penetrate into the arteries leading to vital organs. By causing their blockage, such blood clots provoke the development of dangerous conditions, including deadly embolisms, heart attacks and strokes.

Cardiologist Kurbanova noted that proper drinking of water protects against the development of dangerous blood clots. In particular, it is important to drink enough fluid – at least one and a half liters per day.

“To reduce the risk of blood clots, it is necessary to follow a drinking regime: minimum water consumption per day is 1.5 liters. Restrictions on fluid intake in patients with chronic diseases should be discussed with the attending physician,” the doctor emphasized in a comment to Gazeta.Ru.
In addition, the cardiologist added, to prevent thrombosis, it is important to move – prolonged immobile or very sedentary periods should be avoided in an upright or sitting position.

“Try to do a light warm-up every 40-50 minutes,” Darina Kurbanova advised.
The doctor added that in the summer the cardiovascular system and blood circulation are under particular stress, and therefore the likelihood of developing the same thrombosis increases. The doctor stated that at this time of year, in addition to maintaining a drinking regime, it is especially important not to be exposed to the sun for long periods of time, control your blood pressure and take medications prescribed by your doctor.

The portal previously wrote about the symptoms you can find out the existing thrombosis.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Darina Kurbanova Darina Kurbanova Health cardiologist