
5 rules that will prevent cell aging – advice from an endocrinologist

5 rules that will prevent cell aging - advice from an endocrinologist

With proper nutrition, we stay young longer – it’s not so important what you eat, but much more important – when,” experts explain .

Facts: As we age, the competence of our cells continues to decline, it is a gradual process – and on average it begins at the age of 25. Result: we grow old. Of course, this is not very good news, but we do not need to sit idly by.

“Those who follow a certain behavior guarantee that in the end only the passport will show the real age – and our body, at best, works like the body of a younger person,” says endocrinologist Antonina Gureeva specially for MedicForum.
Aging – This is a disease, and proper nutrition for cells is the best cure for it. Cellular health is determined by three cellular competencies that we can positively influence. We control 80 percent of our health through the daily reprogramming of our epigenetics, and only 20 percent is determined by our innate genetics.

What can be done against aging

1. The intestines as a “home pharmacy”

A healthy and balanced diet is the most important thing. It forms the basis of a long life, as it keeps our cells in good shape – the right foods slow down the aging process in the body.

“A high-fiber diet is recommended, including leeks, parsnips, beets, apples and cashews. These foods have a positive effect on the intestinal flora, having a kind of fertilizing effect on the bacteria that have settled there.”
This leads to a diverse microbiome, which useful for the regeneration of our nerves and inhibits the development of other diseases. Instead, you should urgently avoid sugar because it rightfully gets a bad rap. Sugar controls the same signaling pathways in the brain as hard drugs and is just as addictive.

2. Timing wins

The question of “when” is no less important than what we eat. Therefore, carefully monitor the frequency of your meals. Try to avoid eating multiple meals throughout the day, even if they are small meals.

“Eat two meals within eight hours, then eat nothing for 16 hours. This gives your cells a break and a chance to cleanse and repair . And don’t worry: even at such long intervals, the body receives enough energy to maintain blood circulation.”

3. Liquid instead of food

It will take time for your body to get used to the new rhythm, and you will often feel a little more tired than usual at first. Don't let this discourage you. Use a simple trick: when you feel hungry, eat a handful of nuts, they quickly fill you up and contain healthy fatty acids that are good for your health. Even better: satisfy your hunger with liquid. Green tea is especially recommended, as it contains substances that promote longevity.

4. Little Helpers

If you want to do something good for yourself and your body, strengthen the so-called sirtuins. These are enzymes that influence many important processes in our body, such as building muscle, burning fat, and protecting against disease.

“They help us stay young by promoting cell renewal and repairing DNA damage that occurs during the natural aging process of chromosomes. We can activate sirtuins with so-called polyphenols found in food.”
Because they can be difficult to obtain from regular foods in large enough quantities (you can find them in turmeric, red onions, raspberries, currants, blackberries, as well as ginger and garlic, as well as black coffee and dark chocolate), you also You can work with dietary supplements. In any case, before taking the drug, consult a doctor you trust.

5. Three-quarter rule

We should always have a plate three-quarters filled with non-starchy vegetables. The colors of vegetables are not only a beautiful decoration; colorful combinations are recommended, the keywords being secondary plant substances or polyphenols.

MedicForum previously wrote about the benefits of sleep for the nervous system.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.