
Binergia – a guarantee of the quality of anesthesia

Despite the development of the pharmaceutical industry, the patient's phrase “it doesn't hurt at all!” remains fundamental when choosing a dentist. That is why the correct choice of anesthetic is so important in the work of a doctor. A huge number of drugs for pain relief are presented on the Russian dental market. An extensive assortment often confuses buyers from clinics. What criteria should be guided by in order to choose a high-quality and safe drug and at the same time meet the budget? Let's look at a few key points.

Binergy is a guarantee of the quality of anesthesia

Some Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Local Anesthesia

Local anesthesia is used to control pain and reduce anxiety and fear associated with medical procedures.

The main criteria for quality anesthesia are the degree of pain suppression, the duration of the analgesic effect and the level of safety.

Of decisive importance for the occurrence of the anesthetic effect is the pH of the tissue medium into which the anesthetic is injected. In the inflamed tissue, the pH shifts to the acid side, due to which the release of the active substance of the anesthetic is difficult, and its activity decreases.

Preparations of different brands may differ in pH, and this is one of the factors that differ in the severity and duration of the analgesic effect.

It should also be taken into account that the smaller the remaining shelf life, the lower its pH level, which means that the injection itself can be more painful. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to products with the longest shelf life.

Binergy is a guarantee of the quality of anesthesia1

< strong>Anesthetic choice

Articaine preparations are deservedly recognized and widely used in dentistry, because this anesthetic penetrates into soft tissues and bones faster and deeper than other amide series drugs (for example, lidocaine), has the highest anesthetic index (3.3) among local anesthetics and lowest toxicity.

To increase the duration of the effect and minimize the risk of systemic side effects, articaine is combined with the vasoconstrictor epinephrine.

The effect occurs almost immediately (on average, within 1 minute). The duration of exposure is from 20 minutes. When articaine is combined with vasoconstrictors, the duration of action is prolonged to 180 minutes.

Reliable manufacturer

As examples of articaine preparations, we will give anesthetics of well-known brands: Ubestezin and Ultracaine (Germany), Articaine Inibsa (Spain), Orabloc (Italy), Septanest (France). All of them have already managed to occupy their niche in the Russian market, however, recently they have risen in price significantly, and experts fear that these funds may even become a shortage.

However, even in the current situation, Russian dentists will definitely not be left without a reliable anesthetic.

BINERGIA – the first and largest Russian manufacturer of anesthetics in cartridges, monthly produces up to 6,000,000 doses.

BINERGY specializes in the production of high-tech generics and invests a significant part of its turnover in the creation of innovative bioorganic drugs. The key priority of the company is its own scientific developments, which ensure the most complete elimination of the dependence of domestic healthcare on imports of medicines.

Over the 15 years of its operation, the company has registered and released more than 100 drugs and today has a complete portfolio of anesthetics: following articaine and mepivacaine, which have proven themselves in dentistry, bupivacaine, propofol and ropivacaine were successively introduced to the market.

BINERGY medicines are produced in accordance with international GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and ISO:9001 standards.

In the production of Artikan preparations, only high-quality raw materials from trusted suppliers are used. Cartridges made of glass I hydrolytic class, resistant to chips and neutral with respect to the components of the drug. The composition of the elastomers for the plunger and plug also guarantees absolute drug neutrality throughout the entire shelf life.

The advantage of “Articain”, “Articain with adrenaline” and “Articain with adrenaline forte” from BINERGYA is not only high quality and reliability, which are not inferior to any of the listed analogues, a high shelf life, but also the fact that they are produced in Russia. And therefore always available in pharmacies and specialized stores with a maximum residual shelf life and at a better price.

Binergy is a guarantee of anesthesia quality2

Various applications

Due to the rapid breakdown in tissues, articaine has a fairly low toxicity. However, in the elderly and patients with a history of severe renal and hepatic insufficiency, the formation of elevated plasma concentrations of the drug is possible. In order to avoid risk, these patients are advised to use the minimum dose to obtain the desired effect of anesthesia.

Children's age is not a contraindication to the use of articaine. A combination of the drug with adrenaline is used, and the dose is selected based on: from 4 to 12 years old – 5 mg/kg, from 12 years old (including adults) – no more than 7 mg of articaine per 1 kg of body weight.

More information about the drugs on the manufacturer's website >>>

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