Is the New Atlantic Diet Better than the Mediterranean Diet?

The Mediterranean diet has long been considered one of the healthiest diets. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases (including cancer, sleep and bowel problems). But recent research suggests that a slightly modified version of this diet, called the Atlantic diet, ma

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How Marihauna Affects Memory

You can often hear that smoking cannabis makes a person distracted and forgetful. Let's see what is really known about this. Will the memory return to a person who smokes it only on public holidays? 37770 Memory Paradox For a long time, information about the effect of marijuana on memory was ba

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Flu Vaccination: Why It's Important

Autumn is on the threshold, which means that the annual flu vaccination will begin soon. Why get vaccinated against the flu for those who rarely get sick? Are obsessive reminders of this an advertisement for drug manufacturers? How are free vaccines different from paid vaccines? Read our material, w

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8 doctor's tips to stop a panic attack

It seems that the usual reality is bursting at the seams, we are disturbed by disturbing thoughts- all this provokes the occurrence of nervous disorders and panic attacks. Together with emergency doctor Maria Kovalchuk, we figure out how you can help yourself in such a difficult time for the psyche.

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