More young people suffer from dementia than thought

Scientists analyzed all data on the prevalence of dementia among people aged 30-64. Their study was published in JAMA Neurology.   8895 Dementia is called early when it develops in people under 65. Its onset affects all aspects of a person's life, including family relationships and work. Howev

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Study Shows Increased Cancer Risk in Women with Endometriosis

Scientists have concluded that women with severe endometriosis have a 10 times higher risk of developing ovarian cancer than women who do not suffer from this disease. 4677 The study was conducted by scientists from the Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah, the Spencer Fox Eccles Sch

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Ultra-processed plant foods linked to early death, new study

We often hear that a plant-based diet can help reduce the risk of many chronic diseases and help us live longer, while helping the planet. That's true unless we're talking about ultra-processed plant foods. Like frozen pizza, donuts, or French fries. 8692 The study, published in The Lancet,

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Music before bed can cause nightmares

The study contradicts the established opinion about the beneficial effect of music on those falling asleep. Scientists have objectively shown that catchy melodies can disrupt sleep for at least some people. The work is published in Psychological Science. 11952 Music can affect the onset of sleep a

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When your nose can't breathe

If your runny nose is accompanied by pain and does not go away in a couple of weeks, you may need to treat chronic sinusitis. 10261 There are seven air pockets in our skull. These are the sinuses: paired frontal, maxillary (in the cheekbone area), ethmoidal (between the eyes) and unpaired sphenoid

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Why High Fructose Is Harmful – Study

Consuming fructose in large quantities changes the way the intestinal villi work. This can cause more fat to be deposited in the body. A new study has been published in Nature. 10365 People are now eating much more fructose than ever before. One reason for this is the widespread use of fructose cor

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Why the same healthy diet is impossible for everyone – study

Scientists have discovered how individual the metabolic reaction of different people to the same foods is. They hope that in the future it will be possible to develop a separate diet for each person. 6687 People's reactions to the same food can vary greatly. The authors of the new study, which

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