Women are more tired and frustrated by the pandemic than men

Over the past two years, we are all pretty tired of the pandemic and everything connected with it - restrictions, masks and eternal uncertainty. A survey conducted in the United States showed who has it harder and in what proportions. src="/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/zhenshhiny-ispytyvajut-ustalost-

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Infants born during pandemic show signs of developmental delay

According to scientists, during the pandemic, rates of depression and anxiety in women with children have doubled. This and many other factors inevitably affect the development of babies who were born in the era of COVID-19. The authors of a new study warn that the pandemic could have a serious impa

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Even mild COVID-19 causes severe consequences in the elderly

We are talking about people over 50 years old. This time, the attention of scientists was attracted by problems with mobility. It turned out that after suffering from coronavirus, the risk of losing mobility doubles. 5452 At least 100 million people worldwide suffer from post-COVID syndrome. This

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Gene found to protect against severe COVID-19

From the very beginning of the pandemic, it has been clear that people experience the disease differently, not only due to age and certain diseases, but also genetic factors. Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden figured out which ones. 2754 Back in 2020, scientists managed to find a g

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Omicron could infect half of Europe, WHO says

Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, said more than 50% could become infected with the omicron strain of coronavirus in the next 6-8 weeks inhabitants of Europe. He gave such a forecast, based on data from the American Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. 2052 Kruge assured that

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WHO calls Deltacron a laboratory error

In early January, the scientific world was “pleased” with another piece of news about COVID-19. Professor of the University of Cyprus, virologist, Leontios Kostrikis informed the world about the discovery of a new variant of SARS-COV-2, which was named "Deltacron" and combined the properties of the

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U.S. approves COVID-19 booster vaccine for teens

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends revaccinating children 12 to 17 years of age five months after primary vaccination. 1754 Updated recommendations released in early January by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The document concerns the Pfizer/BioNTe

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Vaccines against COVID-19 may be associated with myocarditis

Scientists have traced the link between coronavirus vaccination and inflammation of the heart muscle in 42 million people over the age of 13. 2953 New studies by British scientists show a link between vaccination against COVID-19 and the development of acute myocarditis. Prior to this, several coun

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