Tangerines can cause anaphylactic shock

Doctor Natalia Tananakina: despite the beneficial properties, tangerines can cause health problems in some people up to the development of anaphylaxis.Endocrinologist Tananakina said in an interview that tangerines growing on trees do not contain heavy metals and radionuclides. Their sweet and sour

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Men were advised products to improve potency

Male potency and libido can be improved by simple foods such as eggs, tomatoes or parsley - this was reported by endocrinologist and nutritionist Adelina Murtazina.Doctor Murtazina stated that tomatoes are one of the best products for strengthening men's health. Tomatoes (especially cooked ones)

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What kind of jam can be useful

According to the therapist Ekaterina Mayorova, in winter it may be useful to use sea buckthorn, raspberry or dogwood jam.The doctor told Kuban News that in moderation and in the absence of individual contraindications, sea buckthorn jam can have a beneficial effect on the body during the season of a

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Foods That Help Keep Your Cholesterol Under Control

In winter, the problem of increased appetite and overeating, which is closely related to an increase in blood cholesterol levels, becomes relevant.Cholesterol in a certain amount is necessary for cells, as it helps them grow. However, excess cholesterol in the blood has a serious negative effect on

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Five vital vitamins to include in your diet

The human body needs vitamins and minerals to function properly.Nutritional deficiencies can lead to serious health problems. For example, deficiencies in iron, folic acid, vitamins B12 and A can lead to anemia. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with loss of bone density and osteoporosis. At the sa

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