The main advantages of black pepper

One of the most popular spices in Russia and in the world, which is in every home. But what will happen to us if we eat black pepper every day? Rich in antioxidantsBlack pepper is an excellent source of antioxidants. These are molecules that destroy harmful substances called "free radicals". Our dai

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Named the ideal product for maintaining harmony after 50 years

Whole-grain oatmeal and other types of whole grains should be included in the diet of people over the age of 50, scientists say.According to a recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition, whole-grain oats are the ideal food for keeping fit in your 50s. Scientists also recommend using other wh

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How to keep fit after 40: five exercises that help well in this

The aging and gradual destruction of the human body begins after 30 years, and after 40 years these processes are noticeably accelerated, and it becomes even more important to keep yourself in good shape.< br>Osteoporosis, depression, back pain - the older we get, the closer we get to know the disea

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What can the smell of sweat reveal about our illnesses?

Dietitian-gastroenterologist Yana Prudnikova told how the smell of sweat is associated with diseases of our body and what it can tell about.Sweat is a protective factor of our body, which is secreted outside for thermoregulation. “In a healthy person, sweat has no smell. But with a pronounced smell,

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How to get rid of sugar addiction?

Gynecologist Ekaterina Volkova shared tips to help overcome sweet addiction.Many of us don't even realize that such addiction takes place in their lives. Meanwhile, the day does not start without a donut, candy or coffee pie.“With too much sugar in the diet, we will “puff up”, but still remain h

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Vitamins for tanning: how to protect the skin in summer?

Nutritionist Evgenia Novikova told what vitamins are useful to take for a beautiful tan.Summer is ahead, and this is the time of active exposure to the sun, relaxing on the beach and, of course, sunbathing. But how to get it so that the tan is even and safe for the skin?Turns out it's not just a

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