Some Healthy Foods Can Be Dangerous With Thick Blood

In an interview with metabolic geneticist Svetlana Perez, there was a warning about the dangers of eating broccoli for problems with thick blood.The specialist said that people with thick blood may suffer from poor absorption of nutrients. In addition, they are at risk due to the fact that their org

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Cardiologist Ashikhmin warned about foods harmful to the heart

Doctor Yaroslav Ashikhmin: products containing trans fats harm heart health.In an interview with the therapist and cardiologist Yaroslav Ashikhmin, trans fatty acids were called food components that are extremely dangerous for the cardiovascular system. The doctor explained: such acids are formed du

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Sweet breakfast in the morning wakes up drowsiness

Nutritionist Elena Solomatina told why sweet breakfasts containing a lot of sugar are harmful. During the day, a person may experience excessive sleepiness. Breakfast is considered the main meal time, because in the morning we should get a charge of vivacity for the whole day with it. But if your br

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To whom potatoes are harmful: explained the therapist Kobozeva

Kidney diseases are a reason to refuse potatoes, like some other health problems, Alina Kobozeva, a therapist, explained in an interview.A doctor told who is harmful potatoes, and who should prefer other seasonal products to them. Kobozeva clarified that potatoes cannot be considered a harmful produ

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Named vegetables that can prolong the youthfulness of the brain

Scientists have found that green leafy vegetables are particularly effective in maintaining active, youthful brain function and are good for reducing the risk of dementia.< br>A healthy diet that includes certain vegetables can help maintain neurological health and brain function as you age. Doctor

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