
What sports can you do after meniscus surgery

The question of what is the probability of returning to activity and what sports may be “closed” after meniscus surgery worries thousands of sports enthusiasts every year. We tell you with links to studies.

Can you play sports again after meniscus surgery 46258

The meniscus is a cartilaginous pad between two articular surfaces. In the knee joint, its most important function is to soften the impact when jumping, running, and walking. If the meniscus cannot withstand the load, it can be damaged or torn. According to American statistics, 12-14% of people have experienced meniscus tears of varying severity. About a third of meniscus injuries are related to sports, professional or amateur.

Meniscus Rescue Surgery

Surgeries for meniscus tears can be divided into two groups. If possible, surgeons try to restore it. The operation is usually performed arthroscopically: a large incision is not made, a special probe is inserted into the joint cavity through the hole.  

If the meniscus cannot be repaired (this is a more common situation), the damaged part is removed, which is called a meniscectomy. This operation is also usually performed arthroscopically.

Is it possible to return to sports?

Most patients return to sports within a few weeks. A 2019 systematic review found that after meniscus surgery, athletes return to professional sports in 81-88% of cases. There is reason to believe that the results will be no worse for amateur athletes.

Here are some scientific and expert data that concern popular sports.


Hospital for Special Surgery physician Robert Marx points out that most people who have meniscus surgery return to running without problems. If it's a marathon, it will take months of training to run it again. Marx points out that there are additional risks for people who had knee arthritis before their meniscus tear. They should return to running cautiously, under the supervision of a specialist.

A 2007 study looked at recreational runners. Scientists wanted to know how dangerous it was for their joints to return to running. They were concerned that running after surgery could lead to osteoarthritis. Their review of studies showed that the risk was indeed slightly increased after partial meniscus removal. However, scientists are not calling for people to give up running. They believe that recreational athletes should work closely with specialists (physiotherapists, exercise therapy specialists, sports physicians) after surgery. Specialists should assess the individual risk of joint diseases and help the person gradually return to activity.


According to a Spanish study published in 2016, 26 out of 29 football players (86%) returned to their previous activity level after meniscus repair. Two study participants had to have a partial meniscus removed, and eventually returned to sports.

Volleyball, basketball

Professionals and amateurs involved in these sports participated in a small study published in 2013. After partial meniscus removal, all participants returned to sports.

How long does rehabilitation take

The average rehabilitation time after meniscectomy is 2-3 months, after recovery – 6-8 months. During this period of time, most victims can return to sports. But this should be done gradually, under the supervision of specialists, strictly following the rehabilitation program, gradually increasing the load.