
How to help your body recover from lack of sleep

A study has shown that after 10 days of sleep deprivation, brain function cannot fully return to normal even after a week. We find out what is recommended for recovery for those who have not slept enough for many days.

How to help the body recover from sleep deprivation 37414

The modern world is a world of sleep deprivation. We often lose minutes or hours of sleep: due to work, watching videos, surfing the Internet, chatting with friends. Little by little, our “sleep debt” becomes obvious: we feel unwell, have poor concentration, and become nervous. Over the years, lack of sleep contributes to the development of chronic diseases. How to recover from regular sleep deprivation?

  • Catch up on sleep on weekends. It is currently unknown whether this really helps “pay back the debt” or just returns us to a normal routine. However, it is useful. A study that monitored 43,000 people showed that compensating for sleep loss during the week is associated with a reduced risk of death. In addition, it will help normalize the metabolism associated with lack of sleep.
  • Take a nap during the day. A short daytime nap – from 10 to 20 minutes – will help you stay alert during the day, improve working memory and mental acuity.
  • Get enough fluids. It is known that lack of sleep contributes to dehydration, which has a negative effect on all body systems. Scientists recommend drinking more to feel better against the background of lack of sleep.
  • Monitor your diet. Lack of sleep is associated with a deterioration in diet: we begin to eat more unhealthy foods. Remember about healthy eating to minimize this harm.
  • Spend more time outdoors. People with lack of sleep often have a disrupted sleep-wake cycle. Sunlight helps restore circadian rhythms and, accordingly, promotes better night's sleep.
  • Drink coffee. Of course, this is only symptomatic help that will help you stay alert during the day. Stimulants are no substitute for restoring a normal sleep pattern.

Sleeping in on one weekend and taking a couple of naps during a break at work may not be enough to “pay off your sleep debt.” It may take time to recover. It is important to ensure that the effects of sleep deprivation do not accumulate in the future. For this purpose, the non-profit organization Sleep Foundation recommends:

  • Stick to a strict sleep schedule. If you need to change it, do so gradually, by 30-60 minutes a day.
  • Develop a bedtime routine. Half an hour before bed, dim the lights, turn off electronic devices, and do something relaxing.
  • During the day, try to be physically active enough, do not consume caffeinated products before bed, spend less time in front of screens in the evening, do not do anything in bed except sleep and sex.
  • Optimize your bedroom. The temperature in it should be comfortable, light and sounds from the street should not penetrate into it. Make sure the bed is comfortable.

After 10 days of sleep deprivation, brain function does not normalize in a week

Polish scientists have tested how long it takes for the brain to recover from sleep deprivation. Their new study was published in PLOS ONE. It involved 13 people. For 10 days, their sleep duration was 30% less than normal. The volunteers wore special sensors, with the help of which scientists monitored how much time they slept. After that, for a week they were given the opportunity to sleep as much as they wanted.

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The study participants underwent electroencephalography every day to assess how sleep deprivation affects them. They also took tests for attentiveness and concentration.

The study showed that after a week of recovery, the volunteers still had not returned to the levels they had before the reduction in sleep time. During this time, only reaction speed returned to normal.